Current Blogs

Posted in Blog on Nov 12, 2016

None of us are completely satisfied with the results of all our decisions. But how to know what to change?

First, we need to replace the search for “perfect” with gratitude for “good enough”.  

Second, it’s helpful to identify one or two areas in which control is too hard and not working anyway.  

Third, is opening to the reality that we have unused capacity.  

Posted in Blog on Oct 11, 2016

In a time of information overload – much of it contradictory or false, and coming at us at high speed – we need markers for identifying what is real for ourselves.

What we call intuition or insight – an “ah-hah” – is simply when the body, brain and mind all share the same reality.

What we call tension is actually chronic muscle contraction which results from thinking one way and feeling another.

Posted in Blog on Aug 7, 2016

…is a simple way to describe getting what you want, but each step has at least one slippery slope or stumbling block.

Integrated Awareness utilizes straightforward inner exploration of each of these three steps – revealing to ourselves the personal obstacles and hurdles before us and allowing the discovery of our own paths beyond them.

Let your body lead the way!

Posted in Blog on Jul 12, 2016

“I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now…”  Joni Mitchell

She could have been describing the current social divides we see all around us.  What is mostly shared is what mostly separates us: Fear, blame, helplessness and loss.

What we often forget is that all of us were truly helpless for the first years of our lives and needed the care, support and fix-it of someone bigger and stronger.  But what do we need now?

Posted in Blog on May 26, 2016

It’s traditional and fitting to remember and honor with extra focus each year those who have sacrificed for all of us on this Memorial Holiday – our military services, first responders, individual heroes and societal leaders in every field. May we always do so.

Posted in Blog on Apr 17, 2016

Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists. There is, there has been, there will always be a certain group of people whom inspiration visits. It’s made up of all those who’ve consciously chosen their calling and do their job with love and imagination. It may include doctors, teachers, gardeners – I could list a hundred more professions.

Posted in Blog on Mar 26, 2016

“An Uplifting Path”

The world and the media 
- social and conventional - 
are so filled with messages of alarm that
it is easy to 
feel that we are all swimming upstream and that 
everything else is falling downhill.

Posted in Blog on Feb 19, 2016

We live in unbalanced times – some would say to the point of unsane. Even those who avoid, or at least minimize, exposure to electronic media are powerfully effected by the currents in which we all swim together.

In political and social arenas, correct “posture” means having (or protraying) the right attitude. As individual humans it means upright on our skeletons (whether seated or standing), supported by our centers and balanced in our perspectives.

Persuasion and/or convincing will seldom produce this result.

Posted in Blog on Jan 24, 2016

“Our bodies retain all the innate and adaptive truths of our lives.

These memory experiences were encoded by movement, emotion, our many-more-than-five senses and our inborn reasons for living in the first place.”  

Posted in Blog on Jan 5, 2016

Part of it is that unity of self is a challenge to generate in regards to change.

There are beginnings and “resolutions”, but they usually grow from,and often remain paired with, old losses or perceived failures – which sort of creates a paradoxical/oxymoronic condition.

We want to start the new, but that means leaving behind the old. We “resolve” to change but overlook the reality that resolution also means ending as well.

These patterns emerge from the fact that each of us has many voices, many conflicting desires, intentions and fears.
