Current Blogs

Posted in Blog on May 23, 2022

If you want to get
what you say you want, 
you must not hide;
you must commit;
and you must be willing to desire. 


Posted in Blog on Sep 18, 2021

For example, Fall is a beautiful time of year, a season that many are drawn inward, and
for some a melancholy one.

It also means to fall:
   … down
   … back
   … forward
    .. over
   … from grace
   … in love.

Whenever a skilled or passionate speaker delivers a message, the language used means many different things simultaneously – and social media often exaggerates this effect even more. 

Posted in Blog on Jul 8, 2021

usually are not the same.

Since we all have multiple intentions and sensory inputs simultaneously, most of our communications have many components mashed together.

The speaker has a different set of priorities than the listeners, who extract the portions important to them, seldom the priority meant.

Posted in Blog on Jan 3, 2021

To a year of looking up and forwards, to peace and connection, kindness and presence.

May we show up where we are needed and reap the sovereignty and breadth it brings.

Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2020

At the main Center in Petaluma:

We are happy to annouce our reopening.  We are quickly catching up on rescheduling everyone.  Contact with requests.

We have stringent Covid protocols, have added a high-grade HEPA multi-filter air purification system. We are double masking and encourage guests do also (one mask is required).

We are looking forward to helping create a more positive 2021.

Stay safe and healthy. 


Posted in Blog on Feb 10, 2020

“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring.
It’s an active noun like struggle.
To love someone is to strive to accept
that person exactly the way he or she is, 
right here and now”

                                 - Mister Rogers

Posted in Blog on Jan 2, 2020

“I don’t know”-
“I don’t understand” -
“I’m not in control!”. 

Each of these have questions and/or confusions, usually with a background of fear.

The first is actually a simple statement with an opportunity to learn.

The second often contains self-judgement,
with a scoop of unfair on top.

Posted in Blog on Nov 12, 2019

Many sacred days are here or just ahead of us. In practice, they seem largely dedicated to reaffirming existing beliefs, and sometimes the actions and usually the images we hold of ourselves and each other. The changing seasons reinforce this need at the cellular level.

Most traditions share values of honesty, helping, and even compassion. But when we look at the world around us, fear and judgement seem to be more in evidence.

Posted in Blog on May 19, 2019

The search for self-trust…

Discipline is needed for performance. This is because discipline has a preplanned outcome and predesigned components to produce it. By nature, performance anxiety is a near universal human experience. It may be softened or aggravated by a teacher or other performers, but we seldom have control over how they will contribute. The habitual nature of discipline allows those affected with performance anxiety to work through the mental blocks causing the anxiety.

Posted in Blog on Feb 8, 2019

Heart gives courage, empathy
and connection.
Wisdom grows from vulnerability, acceptance and forgiveness.

Combined they create ongoing awareness of the shared need
and capacity for healing present in us all.
