Current Blogs

Posted in Blog on Oct 13, 2018

There’s connection, there’s connection – and then there’s Connection.

Which one creates happiness?

The first kind is built, whether wired or wireless, to move energy and information from one place to another.

The second is internal, taking place within our minds and belief systems. It doesn’t move or change much, ‘tho it’s easy to find others standing nearby.

Posted in Blog on Aug 17, 2018

Beliefs? - they change with experience  

Rules? - constrict as often as guide

Time? - varies constantly

What is certain is that all we can be aware of depends on our bodies’ inputs – and we can improve our ability to sense them.  

Adding both internal and the familiar external sensory channels to our waking minds will give more clarity, courage and self-trust.  

Posted in Blog on May 7, 2018

As humans, we all recruit hopes, dreams, visualizations, concepts and magical child imagery to generate the sense of actually manifesting what we need to create a better life.  Too frequently left out are the bridges between these elements, which in fact are themselves the true rewards.

Posted in Blog on Jan 7, 2018

Challenged by post New Year’s resolution? Holiday fog still lingering? Uncertain about long term direction?

“Simple Truths in Complex World is a weekend class this March offering ease for the first, clarity through the second and the internal alignment needed to generate and trust them all.

The only truths any of us can “know” for sure are created out of what we allow ourselves to sense/feel, internally and externally, in the present moment.

Posted in Blog on Dec 3, 2017

“Ask Anything and Your Body will Answer” is the title and topic for the course … and of the book by the same name.

We are happy that our end-of-year course is to be at Esalen the weekend of December 8-10.

Nothing is more fundamental to IA than the wisdom of the body – and frequently nothing is more difficult to recognize consciously, even though the body is the only repository of all your life experiences.

Posted in Blog on Sep 17, 2017


IA has landed in our new home.  It is a bit less city and a little more rural/nature connected. We are just west of downtown Petaluma and, happy to report, closer to those traveling north at busy traffic times. 

As of this post, construction is not quite complete, but folks are already praising the feeling of space.  

We look forward to completion and when we first see you at:

3800 Bodega Avenue
Petaluma, CA  94952

Posted in Blog on May 23, 2017
What’s the difference?…
In our personal lives and in the larger social arena, we make, hold and hear many of both. They seem tightly linked – even the same thing.
In reality, a promise is genuine only to the degree that the whole of the person making it is aligned in that moment – not just the most excited parts. For example, vows often have unrecognized “fingers crossed”. 
Posted in Blog on Jan 1, 2017

“Love can turn hope and fear into real change.”  

We are in a period of potentially great change,
uncertain except for its intensity.

Posted in Blog on Dec 10, 2016

On this day in 1948, the United Nations adopted a universal set of human
rights that apply to all of us.  

We honor this milestone towards creating a more free and equal world. 

May we find opportunity to embody 
this each day. 


Posted in Blog on Nov 12, 2016

None of us are completely satisfied with the results of all our decisions. But how to know what to change?

First, we need to replace the search for “perfect” with gratitude for “good enough”.  

Second, it’s helpful to identify one or two areas in which control is too hard and not working anyway.  

Third, is opening to the reality that we have unused capacity.  
