"In the Footsteps of Giants":

Feldenkrais, Fritz-Smith, JP Barral, Upledger, June D’Estelle


Besides their demonstrated genius, as perceptors, ”clinicians” and preceptors, each one had more to teach then they could easily transmit. Certainly more was offered than I could embrace during my times of study with them. 

Yet what they did plant was so robust that it continues to grow and branch, to morph and bloom in directions they might not have sent anyone directly. New discoveries, hybrid vigor and the synergies between them have yielded evolutions into new forms we trust they do approve. 

One example of several to be sampled during this week: 
  • Moshe’s basic paradigm of priority to the skeleton, nervous system and movement vis a vis 
  • Fritz’ protocol for specific, almost ritual movement, always balancing the energetic with the physical components vis a vis 
  • Jean-Pierre’s emphasis on visceral movement both energetic and physical which gradually evolved into the neurologic and even spiritual vis a vis 
  • John’s de-emphasis on movement per se – yet a total reliance upon it for SER and other advanced processes vis a vis 
  • June’s disinterest in physicality at all except as a manifestation of spirit which was to be addressed through the movement of that spirit. 
All of this clearly shares the same universal aspect of human nature. 
Open to all of the IA Community (newer Apprentices require permission of Instructor) and possibly to other therapeutic professionals on recommendation of, and preferably accompanied by, a current IA member.  For information or questions please contact the Center.
October 20, 2013 to October 26, 2013

Oct 20: 1-7pm
Oct 21, 22, 24, 25: 11am-6pm (Oct 23rd rest day)
Oct 26th: 11am- 5pm end
Oct 17, 18 & 19th: Session Days 11:00am to last session start

Center for Integrated Awareness®
3800 Bodgega Avenue
Petaluma , CA 94952
United States
IA® Center