Personal Experiences

I’ve been learning and expanding with the aid of Integrated Awareness for fifteen years. As a teenager I talked circles around talk therapists, uninterested in a conventional approach to anything, much less to depression, anxiety, and my myriad strategies of resistance to living.  

My first experience with IA felt insistently true and instantly trustworthy. I don’t remember what I went in to accomplish, and I don’t remember what my teacher looked like, even though I’ve worked with her every year since.  I do remember a new found...

-Max - Brooklyn, NY

My experience at Integrated Awareness was absolutely incredible and life changing.  I had a lot of discomfort in my body coming in there, and the work done with Jane and Lansing helped reduce a lot of my physical and emotional discomforts and opened up opportunities to live in a whole new way.  

Now when something in my life happens, I can immediately feel where I hold certain muscle groups and tense up.  This newfound awareness has enabled me to release that tension and come back to who I really am, releasing the anxiety and allowing my body to be at ease.  

I also...

-Chloe - Northern California

Twenty years ago I came to Integrated Awareness® needing healing after a serious car accident.  My life passion and work require me to travel the world, but I could not fly because my left ear could not pressurize.  The first time someone had their hands on me in IA I felt a deep awareness of all the energy in my body.  Within thirty seconds I knew I needed to know more.

I started looking for Lansing, the founder of Integrated Awareness, who was the teacher of the person helping me.  When I learned his base was near my hometown, I felt incredibly lucky...

-Maggie - San Francisco Bay

I watched two dear friends change in their self-regard and self-knowing through their work in Integrated Awareness. I was powerfully affected watching their transformations. When I hit a wall, in terms of life choices and patterns, I turned to IA. I now watch my own transformation and feel forever grateful. The journey has not been easy; it has been remarkable. When I find myself lost in old habits, disconnected from myself, or in a state of forgetfulness, I have a table session. I come home to myself. 

Practicing Five Element Acupuncturist since 1979...

-Vicki - Blue Hill, ME

I first came to Integrated Awareness seeking continued work on my sobriety following six months with Alcoholics Anonymous. I was looking for something more… and I stayed for 25 years of table sessions and classroom study with Lansing Gresham.

Integrated Awareness has been for me a process of learning to integrate the different levels of my life (my physical body, my emotional body, my energetic body, my spiritual body, and my soul) into present-time awareness. I was amazed to learn it is possible to know how all of me feels, here and now.
-Randy - Alameda, CA

Integrated Awareness me ha dado mucha confianza en mi misma. IA esta ensenandome una nueva forma de vivir. Y he aprendido que el dolor físico a causa de nuestras emociones se puede soportar. Yo no sabía como manejarlo. Gracias…

Integrated Awareness has given me a lot of confidence in myself. IA is showing me a new way of life. And I’ve learned that it is possible to handle the physical pain caused by emotions. I didn’t know how to cope with them.  Thank you… 
-Begona - Murcia, Spain
