Act - don't React - Saturday class

One Day Class Information

Ah, triggers - bringing the past forward into present time and muddling our future projections, often twisting perception to feel more confused and fear-based than excited.

We’ve all experienced an action or comment from a boss, co-worker, friend or loved one and witnessed ourselves over-reacting and emotionalizing way past the actual stimuli.

Smells, postures, noises, facial expressions, voice tones, tastes - even shadows of light at certain times of day can bubble up past memories that influence our present time responses and actions. It feels like going on autopilot and watching ourself from outside.

What would it feel like to be able to respond in relationships, work environment – life – without distortion, using our learning and wisdom from life already under our belt, feeling the present without the “noise” from our past?

This day will be all about Belonging – which means “Being here now”.

May 7, 2016

Saturday 11am to 4pm


$120 for the day.

Cancellation Policy: 
There will be a 20% processing fee for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.
Center for Integrated Awareness®
170 Professional Center Drive
Rohnert Park , CA 94928
United States
IA Center